Bridge Testimonial Matt & Kristen Hughes

Matt and Kristen Hughes of Your Favorite Jeweler discuss their Bridge experiences.

Video Transcript

We enjoyed the Stuller Bridge event so much for so many different reasons. Not only did we expected to learn things that we could take back to our store and implement with regard to social media, with regard to marketing and the tools of course that Stuller offers.  But not only that ,but there was things that we just didn't expect to be able to take back and that included the hospitality that would be received at the event.  It was, it was beyond our expectations in if I think if that if just that one thing that store owners could take back to their store is how they treat their customers like Stuller treats us as retailers that they could take that quality back then you've learned a lot from the Stuller Bridge event.  And I really feel like it live lives up to his name as a bridge.  We feel more connected not only to Stuller but we feel connected as well to our fellow jewelers in the industry and so it really does bridge that gap.

Matt Stuller is such a down-to-earth, friendly guy.  He just came to us and just wanted to know about our store and how things were going.  And we really enjoyed the extracurriculars.  It was nice that Stuller offered the assistance with social media and the local search management. Those were things that were very helpful for our business and Stuller for the entire event has just been such a wonderful host.  Every single associate has come up to us and introduced themselves and wanted to talk to us and it was just a wonderful experience.
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Gold 2687.45 Platinum 973.00 Silver 30.36