GemOro® Elite Model DSPro 1067 Signature Microscope 10x-67x Zoom

This GemOro microscope is the world's first LED darkfield/brightfield illumination signature microscope. It has a 67X zoom with Japanese quality optics, full spectrum lighting, and 10x precision.

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This GemOro elite model is one of the best gemscopes on the market because of its zoom and lighting capabilities.   The LED lighting comes from above with an overhead light, as well as a gooseneck light that can mount to either side of the microscope. LED lighting also offers adjustable darkfield illumination. The microscope itself also offers zoom from 10x to 67x.  The magnetic rollerball stone holder will keep your stones in place for viewing or appraising. The 360 degree rotating head is also perfect for customer viewing if you’re on the other side of a counter.

This microscope has all the features you need in a professional gemscope for about half the price.   Order yours today at


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1/10/2025 Market Prices:
Gold 2687.45 Platinum 973.00 Silver 30.36