Custom Imprinting Services

Let Stuller's Custom Imprinting Department make sure your store leaves a lasting impression.

Video Transcript

Whether you realize it or not, you’re constantly advertising. As a jeweler, you advertise with every thing that you do. Let Stuller’s Custom Imprinting Department make sure your store leaves a lasting impression with our signature packaging and display imprinting services.

 Using one of our state-of-the-art imprinting processes, you can incorporate our unique brand throughout your entire packaging and display presentation.

 Hot Foil Stamping uses heated metal stamps, or dies, to imprint your emblem onto the packaging option of your choice.  The result is a metallic mark that literally stands out on the surface.

 For a more economical solution, 4-color digital ink printing is also available. Imprints are cured and polymerized with UV light, so flaking and fading are not a problem.

 Both hot foil stamping and 4-color digital ink printing are available for an assortment of packaging and displays, including jewelry boxes, totes, ribbon, risers, platforms, and more.

 Getting started is easy. Simply submit your artwork, color preference, material choice, and quantity. An imprinting specialist will contact you to get your process started. And soon, you’ll receive a shipment of style, that’s truly yours.

 Build a professional product and create a brand your customer won’t soon forget, with Custom Imprinting from Stuller. 

Visit or call 800-877-7777 ext. 6144

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