Stuller Mini Wax Injector

The Stuller mini wax injector is easy to use and economical. The thermostatically controlled settings keep wax at desired temperatures. Low temperature = 125°F, Medium temperature = 150°F, and High temperature = 175°F.

Products in Stuller Mini Wax Injector Video

Video Transcript

Hi my name is Kristi. Today I want to feature this little Stuller black pot. it has about one . capacity. Really easy-to-use, is great for a small shop limited on space or if you don't do a whole lot of injecting this is going to be the perfect spot for you. The way this operates is you're going to add your wax in here, you're going to turn this little knob clockwise, going to turn your pot on. Once it reaches the desired temperature it's going to automatically stabilize itself at that temperature. This does not have the thermometer in it already, you have to purchase it separately.  So once your wax is at it's perfect temperature you're going to lift this little knob here slowly and let it go. The weight of the knob is going to slowly push any air that may be in here out. You're going to start seeing a slow little stream of wax coming out of here, then you're ready to inject.  It's really easy to use, i recommend it. Any questions about this item or other products offered by Stuller you can call us on our tech line or go to our website
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