iView LED Illuminated Magnifier

The iView Handheld LED/UV Magnifier has dual 5x and 10x magnification, 8 white natural daylight LED’s and 1 UV LED, a crisp 55mm and 20mm optical quality lens, and unique ergonomic design. It can also be used for diamond fluorescence detection.

Products in iView LED Illuminated Magnifier Video

Video Transcript

Hi I'm Kristi. I'm the tools testing specialist here at Stuller. I want to introduce to you today our new iView magnification lens. This nice magnifier right here has two lenses, a 5 power and a 10 x magnification.  It gives you a crisp 55 mm or 20 mm optical quality lens here. You have 8 white natural daylight LEDs and 1 UV LED.  It's got a nice ergonomic design with a rubberized paint finish. It includes  includes 3 AAA batteries and a carrying case. This magnifier can also be used for detecting counterfeit bills and diamond fluoresce detection.  Check it out today. 
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