Speed Sizing with the Laser Welder

Watch as our resident laser expert John Vandergriff shows the speed and strength of welds that the laser can add to your shop.

Video Transcript

In this video we're going to be doing the sizing like I've done before.  It's going to be 14 karat yellow gold.  Just going to do it really quickly and then I'm going to test it afterwards because I've been getting questions about how strong is the weld is it stronger than a solder seam things like that.  So first I'm going to go at 300 volts, four milliseconds and 0.6 millimeter size.  Then I'm going to add wire with the 14 karat yellow zinc free 30 gauge. I'm going to increase the millimeter size up to 1 to add the wire. So let's do this.  Now Im going to go to the next parameters to add the wire because I've gone all the way through here and here.  Go up a little bit more so there we go. Got ourselves a nice welded shank and it's just going to take a little bit of filing down to get the corners back because that's one of the problems with the laser welder doesn't like sharp corners.  Now again a lot of people say well gee how how strong is it? Let's see how strong this weld can be.  Now it hasn't broken.  As we've shown a lot of stress up here and here but it is still a solid weld.  Couldn't have done that with the solder.  So this just goes to show you that laser welding is fast and strong.
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1/10/2025 Market Prices:
Gold 2687.45 Platinum 973.00 Silver 30.36